30 April 2009
Protecting & Serving & Frying Food
I meant to blog today, but then I lost track of time, and next thing I knew, I was searching YouTube for beatboxers and working up an appetite on www.whyyourefat.com and checking my Facebook status and -- as you can imagine -- I hadn't found the time to blog. My life is very busy with all the stuff I need to watch on my DVR and all the fried food I plan to prepare in my deep-fat fryer and all the people I need to stalk . . . and then there's the swine flu pandemic coming our way, which I'm hoping ignore. So, yeah, I'm busy. Damn straight. Add, also, that I'm an artiste with a novel to write as well as all my commitments (and deadlines) I need to fulfill as a prominent in-demand professional blogger for a real-life actual blog. You might think you have a right to get all emo on me for not blogging sooner, but actually I don't think you do. Maybe, though. Not sure.